Why Do My Quicktools Disappear Every Time I Close Adobe DC?

TicTie Calculate version 4.6, 5.x and 6.x. See our How to Check Your Version article for more information. To upgrade from version 4.6 to version 5.x please reach out to support@safesend.com

In Adobe Acrobat DC®, if you add things to your Quicktools Toolbar, then hide the side panel, and close Adobe®. When you re-open Adobe® later they will be gone until you un-hide the side panel and select TTC. To ensure this does not happen, follow the guide below.

  • Add anything to your Quicktools by right-clicking the toolbar and selecting Customize Quick Tools
  • Once they are added they will remain.
  • If the sidebar is hidden when you close adobe they will disappear.


  • Un-hide the sidebar by clicking the left-pointing carrot.


  • Select TTC.


  • They will reappear and stay as long as the sidebar is open when you close Adobe®.
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